Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Woman ( styling )

What is it about androgyny that so intrigues? It’s been a fascination in the fashion world for some time: girls who look like boys, boys who could be girls. Henryk Lobaczewski plays to that fascination in his latest shoot, titled simply WOMAN, deliberately casting model Lola van Vorst of Australia’s Next Top Model fame for her high cheekbones and strong features. If, as the two models lock lips in an intimate kiss, you find yourself pleasantly confused about the gender balance, then Lobaczewski’s job is more than done.
In its striking high contrast black and white, WOMAN couldn’t be more perfectly photographed. The models’ dirty skin doesn’t just create a grittiness in the shoot but also cleverly brings out the detail and mid-tones. And regardless of whether full length or close-up, nude or clothed, every image is steeped in a raw and emotive sensuality.

from the source indicated below

Photographer: Henryk Lobaczewski
Stylist: Karolina Karolinka
Hair & makeup: Amelia Axton
Models: Lola Van Vorst & Milli @ the agency models, Bondi
The photos and the texts on this blog are sourced from books and by various sites from the internet (apart from the ones taken by me). Original source is always mentioned. If you feel your photorights have been violated or they have been presented in a negative way, please send me mail. I´ll remove them from my blog immediately.
Thank you

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